Were You Just Involved in a Bicycle Accident?
Don't worry, you're not alone.
There are over 20,000 bicycle accidents in America each year.
Injuries range from minor cuts and bruises to broken bones and head injuries.
Most accidents happen during the day at high traffic hours.
You May Have a Lot of Questions & Concerns

Who is at fault in this bicycle accident?
What if my insurance says they won't cover it?
Is this case worth the battle in court?
We're Here to Help
We can answer any questions that you have and help you take your case to court. We'll be with you every step of the way. Contact us for a free consultation.
First Steps: What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

1. Get Information
Record as much information as possible. Get names, driver's licenses, and insurance information of everyone involved. Note other details that you may forget later, such as time, streets, and models of the vehicles and bikes involved.
2. Take Photos
Photos will help you a lot in court cases. Make sure you take photographs of the accident scene, of the road and surrounding conditions, and closeups of both the vehicle and the bike. Details in each photo can be used to help build a strong case.

3. Keep a Diary
In addition to recording the events of the accident, be sure to record correspondence and any medical events in the following days. Bicycle accident cases can last weeks to months in court, and it can be easy to forget details and timelines.
Bicycle Accident Cases in Court
How Long Will It Take?
Typical bicycle cases can last 3-4 months, but can extend as long as 6 months.
How Much Will It Cost?
We only get paid a portion of the settlement that you win, so there's no out-of-pocket costs for you.
Is It Worth It To Go To Court?
If there's an accident, the case is worth pursuing, and in most situations an attorney can help.
We'll Get You Through It
The whole process can be overwhelming. We'll be with you all along the way and ensure you win your claim. Contact us for a free consultation.
Useful Articles
- What Are Some Initial Steps Someone Should Take After A Bicycle Accident?
- How Common Are Bicycle Accidents?
- What Are People’s Top Concerns About Bicycle Accidents?
- How Long Would The Average Bicycle Case Take?
- What Sort Of Bicycle Injury Cases Are Not Worth Pursuing?
- How Do “Fault” And “No Fault” States Apply To A Bicycle Accident?
- Will The Person’s Insurance Skyrocket After The Accident?